Mindgraph AI

Make it happen


Case Studies

Call Audit Automation - Voice Analytics
Loan Recovery

ROI: Cost Recovered in 3 months

Reducing Customer Churn
Reverse Engineering Growth
Especially for Early Age Startups
Neural Disease Detection Using Medical Imaging
An Ongoing PhD by the co-Founder
Predict Parkinsons 5 Years before onset

A Glimpse of our Reasearch Oriented Work

Realtime Monitoring & Alerts for Patients
For Critical Care Patients, Hospitals & Clinics

Analyze EEGs, ECGs, FitBits, etc.

Route Optimization for Deliveries
For Logistic Companies, 10-Minute Delivery Apps
Achieved a 12% Reduction in Fuel Costs

Many Happy Clients,

Industry Aware Interviewer Bot
Replaces an in-person Interviewer. Understands subject matter, tests & qualifies candidates automatically.
Reduces Interviewer’s workload by 60%
AI Powered ATS with inbuilt WhatsApp Integration
Reduces Back & Forth phone calls. Keeps talent data up to date.
100% ROI achived in 4 months
Delivering In a Hurry
For Neuraleap Technology Group

More happy clients

GMeet + TTS + STT + RPA Integrations
For an AI Startup
This is Why MNCs like Walters Kluwer Choose Us
4 Beds, 3 Baths, 2240 Sqft

1235 Divi St, San Fracisco, CA 35313

Helping to Build ALBIS AI - Virtual SDRs
At Genie AI
Working with globally distributed Teams
Predicting &Optmizing Ad Performance
At Adsmatic AI
For LinkedIn Ads
Consulting Top Tier Firms
For the second largest mobile network operator in Bangladesh
And IntelliPaat & TimesPro

and, even more happy clients.


Search By Industry

Medical & Sports
D2C & Retail
HR & Recruitment

Why Mindgrah AI?

This is Expertise You Can Trust

We build Cutting-edge AI solutions tailored to revolutionize your business processes. Choose a company with a proven track record of boosting efficiency and ROI for industry leaders.